Ulica dr. Franje Tuđmana 24d, 23000 Zadar
(Please scroll down for a description in ENGLISH)
Treba vam mjesto za rad, ali ne biste unajmili “pravi” ured? Bilo da ste student, poduzetnik, kreativni pojedinac, startup ili freelancer, ugrabite priliku da potpuno besplatno uživate na svom novom radnom prostoru! Ujedno nudimo mogućnost iznajmljivanja čitavog prostora za namjenska događanja, poput radionica, predavanja i sličnog:
Code Hub je namijenjen studentma, IT poduzetnicima i ostalim ciljanim skupinama. S površinom od 94 m2 podijeljen je na nekoliko funkcionalnih cjelina: učionica/coworking zona/event space, dnevni boravak i kuhinja. Korištenje prostora je besplatno, zahvaljujući projektu 2CODE sufinanciranom sredstvima EFRR i IPA II fondova Europske unije.
6 razloga zbog kojih nas trebate obvezno posjetiti:
# Modularan prostor
Razmještaj je moguće prilagoditi potrebama korisnika i raznim događanjima.
# Brz internet
Najbrži internet u gradu ti omogućava neometano obavljanje svih zadataka.
# Moderan ambijent
Suvremeno opremljen prostor oduševit će te dizajnom i tako povećati tvoju produktivnost.
# Dobra lokacija
Blizu centra Zadra i Sveučilišnih prostora – starog i novog kampusa te studentskog doma.
# Ugodna atmosfera
Druženje s našim korisnicima će ti donijeti inspiraciju za produktivan rad.
# Kuhinja
Uzmi pauzu i napravi si kavu ili čaj u našoj kuhinji.
Need a place to work, but don't want to rent a "real" office? Whether you are an entrepreneur, creative individual, startup or a freelancer, seize the opportunity to enjoy your new workspace completely free of charge! Also, we offer the possibility of renting the whole space for dedicated events, such as workshops, lectures and the like:
Code Hub is intended for students, IT entrepreneurs and other target groups. With an area of 94 m2, it is divided into several functional units: classroom / coworking zone / event space, living room and kitchen. Using our space is free of charge, thanks to the project 2CODE co-financed by the ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union.
6 reasons why you should definitely visit us:
# Modular space
The layout can be adapted to the needs of users and various events.
# High speed internet
The fastest internet in the city allows you to perform all tasks without interruption.
# Modern ambience
The modernly equipped space will delight you with its design and increase your productivity.
# Good location
Close to Zadar city center and the University premises - old campus, new campus and dormitory.
# Pleasant atmosphere
Socializing with our users will inspire you and increase your productivity.
# The kitchen
Take a break and make yourself a coffee or a tea in our kitchen.
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