Dobrodošli u Harmony Life - vaš oaza mira i ljepote, gdje se svaki trenutak posvećuje isključivo vama.
U našem salonu, klijent je uvijek na prvom mjestu, a naša misija je pružiti vam ne samo masaže, već i bijeg od svakodnevnog stresa i obaveza.
Ovdje vam nudimo više od same masaže - nudimo vam priliku da se potpuno opustite, obnovite energiju i posvetite se sebi.
Zajedno stvaramo trenutke koji traju zauvijek - dobrodošli u naš svijet, dobrodošli u salon Forever Friends.
Welcome to Harmony Life – your oasis of peace and beauty, where every moment is dedicated exclusively to you.
In our salon, the client always comes first, and our mission is to provide you not only with massages but also with an escape from everyday stress and obligations.
Here, we offer more than just a massage – we offer you the opportunity to completely relax, recharge your energy, and dedicate time to yourself.
Together, we create moments that last forever – welcome to our world, welcome to the Forever Friends salon.
14:00 - 20:00
14:00 - 20:00
14:00 - 20:00
14:00 - 20:00
14:00 - 20:00
14:00 - 20:00
Tajlandske masaže
Tajlandske masaže
120 Min•75.00 EUR
90 Min•60.00 EUR
90 Min•60.00 EUR
30 Min•70.00 EUR
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